The Guangdong, Hong Kong Macao (International) Youth Entrepreneurship Hub (”NSYEH”) is operated by Guangzhou HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute (“FYTRI”). The technology incubation platform is among Greater Bay Area’s 12 key Hong Kong and Macao Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship platforms, Guangzhou’s 17 key Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship platforms, and also Guangdong province and Hong Kong SAR governments’ 12 mutually recognised youth innovation and entrepreneurship platforms. 

The NSYEH incubation platform taps upon HKUST efforts in talent cultivation, knowledge transfer, innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as the increased collaboration between Guangdong-Hong Kong, to build an inclusive environment for fostering technology innovation and entrepreneurship among the younger generations in the Greater Bay Area regions. The platform offers a modern co-working environment + startup incubation services to help founders comfortably and quickly settle-in Nansha and focus on the growth of their core business.

In addition, the Startup@Nansha incubation programmes run by NSYEH provides subsidies for early-stage technology startups. Tech startups that are successfully admitted into our Tech Incubation Programme are offered a 2 years incubation period, with FYTRI subsidies of up to RMB31,200 for each qualifying startup, excluding any other Government incentives. There is also a 3-year TSP Programme providing up to RMB700,000 for founders to bring their R&D project onto the NSYEH platform, with the eventual goal towards commercialisation success.